Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Through the Hidden Door


Poor Barney Penniman is never going to achieve greatness. To hear his father tell it, greatness is all about going to the Right School in the Right part of the country, graduating with Honors and going on to do what you want, and the world is your oyster. Unfortunately, oysters are kind of like gobs of snot to Barney, and there's a lot of doing what other people want before you ever get to do as you please. At thirteen, Barney fears a future of ordinariness, so he falls in with his father's plan, leaving his life in the West, and going back East for polish and class, as once was the tradition. Unfortunately, along with polish, Barney is gaining tarnish. He fears being diliked, being tormented about his lisp, being the bottom of the heap and being alone, so once he's at Winchester, where old money and snobbery prevail, he does what others do - which is to side with the bullies and do what it takes to stay off the receiving end of their pranks.

While Barney has a good heart, he's occasionally really dense. What it means to be a friend, and what it means to be a total TOOL are confused concepts for him. He's one big, sweaty, anxious ball of reaction, instead of action. Tell him to eat a random mushroom in the woods - he'll do it, and then have to go to the ER to have his stomach pumped. Bullied into a "study" session the next test, he not only gives away his notes, but teaches his so-called friends to write the answers on the insoles of their shoes. But, when his so-called friends sadistically attack a helpless dog, Barney can't keep silent. The headmaster finds out, and it's over: Barney can either save himself, or everyone else. He tries to take the blame for what he hasn't done, knowing what's coming to him, but a wise headmaster knows his students. To his horror, he tells the truth - and that's it, game over. The life of a snitch at Winchester is one big bruise.

Meanwhile, there's Snowy Cobb. He's only a sixth-grader, and without his coke-bottle thick glasses, he's legally blind. He's secretive, weird, and has skulls all over the bookshelves in his room. Barney isn't inclined to seek him out, but he's the only one Barney feels safe with, secreted in the back of the library. It turns out that Snowy knows things - more than anyone suspects. He's willing to share what he knows of a secret, magical place, if Barney is willing to be brave, get cold, filthy, and blindfolded... and keep his mouth shut. So far, Barney's not batting a thousand with choice of friends.

Reflect – I like the character of Mr. Finney. Even though everyone belittled and disdained Barney, he still believes in him in full hope. I think this really helps Barney, a lot, to build his character. Mr. Finney’s presence makes Barney confides himself; to believe there is always chance to change – for the better and it is never too late. Even if Mr. Finney is not already the headmaster of Winchester Boys School because of the “Collie incidence”, he still cares to Barney. He acted as a second father not only to Barney but also the latter.

Connect – Back to my Elementary days, my family move place to place. As a result of it, I do not have permanent school. It was hard for a young girl to adapt new environment – dwelling to strangers…again. Another one, if you cannot speak neither understand what they are talking about. You just say “yes” to everything what they say, either it’s good or bad. And it comes a time, that you rather befriended anyone – even the bullies rather to be alone…again. It was really an awkward experience.

Question – I wonder that place like Winchester Boys School stood, has not developed, yet it was one of the best school in this story. It just weird that researchers and anthropologists never knew the ancient relics that was quite dangerous rest in the midst of that area. Supposedly, the authority should check first the area before building that school. Another one, I am curious does it possible to have that kind of weird tribe exist million years ago.

Predict – I think Snowy Cobb (with his new partner) will catch on what’s those “stuffs” are. And still he would not share his discoveries to anyone even to his dog. Also, when he graduated in Winchester, he would go through research about his discoveries.

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